Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Chelsea's red-tape "a.m." is gripping
If I was someone else I might try and analyse it.

I "about-faced" back and forth from togs [swimsuit], to a jogging suit about 3 times- in 10 minutes.
The swimming togs triumphed, because I know I'll lose the lbs-age [poundage] quicker by taking a dip.

Finally acquired some CocoButter *throws hand in the A-ir*. I split my sides when mum waltzed in, pumped some moisterizer of the tanned plastic container and said "Chels! It smells like chocolate!". Mum, you are spesh. [Special]

Scott jangled.
"So are you all beautified yet?"
"Almost. Can I ring you back when I'm finished?"
"You're destroying me. I want to see you!"
"Not now you don't. I'll check ya later"

TV sitcoms. My thoughts?
-the Office
-the Cosby Show and

And so.
Now I'm at the homestead, keeping my shirt on for the mail to arrive. Try as I might-mightily I try- to not care, my souls nucleaus still hammers in it's cage when he peels around the corner to deposit the goodies in the metal basket.

Grapefruit! I desire grapefruit.
I have a heap to pen today.
Need some time to think this through.

{ funny, spontaneous, energetic, friendly, caring, passionate, creative, blunt, a searcher, fun, adventurous, hardcore, awesome, inspiring, total woman, deliberate, thoughtful, interesting, intriguing, bodacious}

12:15 am

I think dementors are breeding somewhere nearby , because this weather makes me feel as though I'll never be happy again.
Just kidding!

I would appreciate some legitimate sunshine though.
I read Twilight all day today.
Simply magical.

I'm so happy!

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