Sunday, March 8, 2009


Michael Jackson casting as Harry Potters next Voldemort.
And the Jam Box Music Torture -confining your victim in a small box while pumping out their favorite jams.

2 brilliant ideas conjured by the Best Friend and myself.

Brilliant I tell you.
We should make a talk show.
For all those people out there lonely and looking and wanting to know for themselves that there ARE in fact lower lifeforms. We only want to help!

I'm amazed that there is time for laughter. The last couple days have been hardly a good time. Passing away in your sleep completely unexpected should basically be banned from all human beings. Talk about a shocker.
However the gospel has one again saved me from otherwise potential feelings of destruction. The Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Happiness.

And what a Plan it is.
I almost puzzed Katie to death, however I DID tell her that I would forewarn her before the deed is done. For only Jess and Nichelle will know what happened. The others will look at each in unbelief and shock- repeating over and over again to each other " They SQUOZE each other to death". And yes the word "squoze" is ultimatley legit for this circumstance.. or to-be circumstance.

I want Karrie to go to Australia.
I'd like her as far away from me as possible. Ha ha.
No but really I just think it would be a good opportunity for her to see the amazing Out Back and the even greater DownUnder- and experience I deem necessary for all earth forms.

I ate a brownie today, I wish it would have eaten me.

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