Rainy day+boredom= paint.
That was the equation for yesterday's past time. I haven't done something that high jinxed or spontaneous in ages. I've missed it. I don't know. I mean I've got some pretty adventurous chums here, but I've found that I have so much more enjoyment when things are unexpected. And I can't HELP but to think of Emily when the word "unexpected" pops into my head. (Emily. I hope you read this- and hee-haw....heartily). It just seems like we involved in that level of baffoonery all the time- taking all of Matt's clothes (poor kid :P), drug run at 2 in the morning for Nicole in the BIG city and her merciless cold, when we went up and down Green Canyon blasting that beat with the trumpet (can't remember the name) like..8-9 times, I could go on. It's an exceptional list.
Anyways. I needed it.
The way that it began paralleled our last date before he left on a mission. Senior Prom. Pretty big deal right. WDE {Worst Day Ever or Worst Date Ever}. He was 30 minutes late picking me up for that- and 30 minutes late picking me up for this date. And that was only the beginning.
I didn't realize, until Talisa and my mom said something. And then we all laughed. Hard.
It was alright. It wasa relief and comfort to me also be going with Nicole and Clayton. And before I left I prayed that I could be myself, and find my way within this particular company.
We went to the China Bistro ( Black Pearl) which had OUTSTANDING food. They orded Sushi, and Mongolian Beef ( I was worried for a sec. I won't lie) but then, upon discovering that Clayton may be just as wierd as me { I take great pleasure in this discovery} we ordered some chicken. Family style baby! It was great! I told some pretty sweet lifeguarding stories, Mike and Clayton entertained us by quoting lines from "South Park", and Nicole snorted. All in all, a pretty memorable dinner with lots of laughing in between. And I became the running joke when I ate all the broccoli. I just like my veggies- sue me! But it was comical.
We headed back to Nicole's apartment to change into togs {swim suits} before going hot-tub-bubbing. Marshal was there!
Equillibrium was achieved however. :D
We played "Hands up, Stands up".
Marshal: "So.. do you want us in a row?"
Bah ha ha hahhahahaha! And then the boys made a pyramid.
Mike and Marshal raced.
First Marshal won, and then Mike.
And then Marshal told us about how he used to be a cheerleader (???).
Marshal and Clayton played "Seals"- which means that they acted like seals for awhile.
Nicole swallowed her gum on accident.
Emily told me about her job and Mike did a back somersault in the hot tub and almost hit this girl in the face. It was funny.
We saw 2 bandits from our highschool come in. They sat in the hot tub with us, but kept their distance (this was good) and soon after that we left. { Seeing people from highschool, that you just NEVER want to see again always puts a damper on things- for me anyways}. But it was time to rent a movie. Now... you have to understand. I can't sit still for that long. I'd been at work, sitting all day. And then dinner we sat. The hot tub we sat.. I knew I wasn't going to last another 2 hours of sitting without falling asleep or getting cranky.
I expressed this in secret to Nicole while the boys were in Ho
Instead we journeyed back, changed, played the "Phonebook Game"- which I didn't realize was the "Hanger Game" in disguise. And then watched a couple episodes of [[["the Office"]]].
Mike has never seen it. And I took it as a personal offense. I might've been embarrassed but everyone else felt the same.
We are all die-hard Office fans. And it's almost unacceptable to hang out with us if you haven't seen it. Maybe not unacceptable- but since we quote it consistently, and relate everything back to it- you'd probably feel like an idiot hanging out with us if you didn't know what we were talking about.
So we took some time to educate him.
And then finally I got home. I was exhausted. It was fine.
And then finally I got home. I was exhausted. It was fine.
"It wasn't a love connection. The next time I like someone I think I'll just know."
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