Saturday, October 10, 2009


*PA testing, testing 1,2.3. crackle crackle, kschhhh beeoop*[[The overhaul program is NOW in affect.]] Watch your back universe, silly Che' (aka me) is getting what she (I) wants!

This morning we had our first meet & greet, just to ensure we newbies could log into the program, fiddle with the gidgets in appropriate ways and managed to get the "dotFit" up and a'runnin.

That was at 8am.
That's the only productive thingie I've accomplished all day.
I expected more out of today.
Something a far cry from the ordinary mundane of... day... it is now.. almost 7:30pm.
There's still time right?
Lurp crawn!

His ( He Who Must Not Be Named) "hasta la vista" never made it back to me. I mean, where did it go? Did it get confused because I'm not spanish? As far as I know I'm the only Chelsea in this town that has anything to do with You-Know-Who. (As far as I know). I mean, how hard would it have been to pick up the phone and give me a courtesy call? I wouldn't care if it was anyone else. I'm just shocked that... it didn't happen. And this is reaching a new low. I'm actually surprised. What happened? I'll never know for sure, but it just feels good to throw that question out there into cyberspace where it can get lost along with all the other trash I won't ever understand:

FBC's (Frisbee based competitions) :D

Garth Brooks
Things with hotdogs
Fat slurpee straws
That song "You're a jerk"
Reeses Puffs
Most 80's words ( with the exception of "bash" and "awesome") groovy, tubular, coolio, etc {{shivers}}
Hermit crabs
Airplane food
Shrimp flavored anything
Lingerie with feathers

(Although I'm totally going to buy this for someone's Christmas gift because it's. Well. *smiles*)

Real Time 3D Technology
The traffic in Thailand
Catch and Release fishing

I'd love to say that my instincts get lost along with the situation, but it's not anything I can control.

I've tried.

So yesterday.. I don't know why I keep trying to explain it. It's unexplainable. But it's like my whole body knew that he was getting on jet plane, leaving this country for the "homeland". I felt headachy and weird. On edge. Sad. Then angry. Then sad again. I didn't sleep well, I couldn't eat anything all day without feeling... alien. My eyes felt fogged over, my muscles ached.

I'll come back to this later.


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