Thursday, March 11, 2010


Last night Patrick kicked my trash. HARD core.
My arms are still trembling from our workout- that hasn't happened in awhile. So. Much. Arms. Not enough legs or core but whatever- he's fantastic and I just need to trust him. Right? I have 5 more sessions with him one-on-one and then Melanie and I are splitting our contract down the middle (and let me just say that I am THRILLED that it will be cheaper for both of us.)

The only downside?
Melanie likes to come in on Monday's at 7pm
-right when FHE would be so I'm going to have to try and .. figure something out.

My date with Jarren?
Well we didn't get into the rball courts. I guess you have to schedule to reserve them days in advance because they fill up pretty quick at night. Who knew that people in CV enjoyed rball that much? I didn't, but they were booked from 6pm till' midnight. WOW. So we headed to the store, bought some fixings for enchiladas, some bubbly, and then headed over to Kolby's to meet up with him and Sara. We had a good time putting them together- I played the piano for Jar-Bear and he danced ( or tried to ). We ate, hid Sara's phone, cleaned up and then played a round of Sequence. Sounds like a short night but it lasted about 4.5 hours.
Best quote of the night?

That would be from Kolby talking about corn starch:
"Ya know what they say about cornstarch? It's good for keeping down the urges".


Pretty good night, and full of all the laughing and good times you'd expect from someone like Jarren, and someone like me. He left for "army" this morning around 6pm and won't be back until late Sunday night. What a great guy! I'm sure going to miss him when he leaves for years in the upcoming week! But we'll let the good times roll till' then.

School in about an hour.
Along with that homework OF COURSE- will it EVER freaking end?
Cleaning my room. Organizing really.
I need to call Bishal to figure out what exactly we're doing-for sure.
Call Jess to get Tannin's address.
Get my friends together for a little birthday shoot out with Heather-SOMETIME.
Print out Hospice paper.
Start Book Review paper.
Articles and agency visits.
Training tonight with P-sizzle.

And I'm off!

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