Thursday, June 16, 2011


I forgot my camera at my apartment.
But next time I head out here I'll bring it and post the B. Lake pics.

It was exactly what the doctor ordered. A delightful little piece of land right next to the water. Sunshine. A cool breeze. Light fluffy clouds. 8 wonderful friends. And some relaxation. Us girls sat and enjoyed the view while the guys went to go find burgers, fries and shakes. Once they came back we watched Albert and Henock take to the water in wetsuits then some of us started up a game of volleyball. They had a sweet underwater camera they were throwing around. Lots of fun. The lake is so high right now, hardly any beach.

We watched as they shook the playground almost out of it's roots, kicked the soccer ball around and then took a nap among the daisies. Light chatter. And all of a sudden it was about 6 and time to head back. But not before grabbing a meal accompanied with an amazing shake. Good times.
I learned some things about Mongolia and then through the canyon home.

An hour after getting back he came over and we went for a drive past the haunted mansion. It's an amazing place. Lots of chimney's and windows. Overgrown grass and vines creeping up the side of the entire building. Broken down car in the driveway. If you don't know where it is you wouldn't see it. It's nicely hidden just off a main road. It was too light to do anything so he kept driving and up Green Canyon we went. Stopped and hiked the cave-which we will camp at one day, and all the way up to the top. Through puddles, cool breeze, new music, some interesting conversation. We headed down back to my apartment.

Watched a sweet documentary. Totally forgot we were going to the mansion and then he passed out on the floor while I played the guitar for about a half hour. I snuggled up to him after awhile and eventually he woke up and we remembered that the mansion was waiting.

We never made it though. Instead we cuddled on the love sack and talked about church doctrine and other things. Good conversation. Watched the results of a fight in my apartment parking lot go down and then it was time to say goodbye. We missed curfew by a half hour, but that's a lot better than 3 and half hours. We're working on it. Always.

It was another wonderful night.
And I'm still falling.
So happy.

So content.

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