Wednesday, March 11, 2009


2 concluding observations regarding this video:

1. I hereby decree that all music videos should and
MUST have a pulsating rainbow in the background. No questions asked.

2. I don't care what anyone says, the
Atomic Kittens did a superior job covering this song. And I deem it much more preferrable than Blondie- though Blondie's music video is an absolute riot! (check it out all you 80's whoremongers!)

"Every girl wants you to be her man, but I'll wait right here till' it's my turn."
( I personally feel like the songs degree of "legit-ness" could be bumped up about 1000% by changing the word "man" in this line to "mom". You're thoughts?)

-side note- I don't appreciate that rainbows are associated with homosexuality. Can't I be sweet on rainbows without being scrutinized and interrogated about my sexual orientation?
STRAIGHT, always and forever. It's unfortunate that I feel a declaration of this is needed here and now.

A miracle took place today.
Concerning my bank account.

I am not insolvent. These last 2 months I've been in a continuous state of twitching regarding my funds or lack thereof. I've had $$thousands$$ all along. I diversified my accounts when I was 12 yrs old. Twelve! A
whopping 8 (soon to be 9) years ago. Who knew that by being intelligent when I was 12 would affect me now, when those 2 numbers switched will be my soon proclaimed age? And now it's all puzzle piecing together. I'm redeemed and elated which together would equal...related ( That didn't quite work out the way I thought it would)

6 days.

I fear I will crumble, much like unto the Berlin Wall.
That could happen tomorrow though.

Aspirations for the next 2 weeks:
-Finish Matt's pressie.
*Regarding the previous(RTP)- don't allow myself to actually DIE from laughing.
-Survive the viewing/funeral.
-Look up summer math courses ( now that's an oxymoron if I EVER thought of one)
-Convince "Ms. K" to bike across America with me this summer, instead of driving across America.
*RTP both ideas are great, and both will require $. But only ONE of those will provide us with a healthier heart.

More later-ish.

Alright, snow shoeing today didn't prove as much of an adventure as yesterday. Probably because my body is in full revolt- and the snow is never as good the 2nd day. It was alright though, because up at the top I reserved a few moments for myself to reflect on the beauty of my home. The song "How Great Thou Art" came to mind and I hummed along whilst observing my dog enjoying the snow.

I brought back an ugly sore blister. What made it think I wanted the company? And haven't I been breaking those boots in for the past 4 years?

It's been a hard day.
Time for some self-love.

10 Things That Made Me Smile Today:
1) The sunshine
2) Having the house to myself for 1 entire hour.
3) Singing along to the Atomic Kittens.
4) When my dog climbed up onto my lap while driving up the canyon.
5) Chatting with that old fellow that I met on my trek down the mountain.
6) Watching my dog SHOVE his face into the warm current of air coming out of the vents in the car.
7) Getting that unexpected call from Brooke, even though it was bad news.
8) Having my sister "motivate" me to finish straightening my hair because tomorrow is an important day ( Thank you Talisa for your inspiring presence!)
9) D'ojee cuddling with me while I cried over the bad news.
10) The prospect of Sarah coming over in an hour.

I love lists.
And I'm no longer going to be romanticizing anything that is written on this.
This is MY blog, and I'm going to write whatever it is that I want to write. It may be harsh, it may be simply, but whatever "It" is. It will be the truth (As I see it).

Prepare yourselves.
There are no exceptions.

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