Finals ended (sighs) and I needed to get out of the valley. Sarah and I had planned on going camping down south but with work, and Health Days, and my work training schedule it just didn't work out. {Next week hopefully} So I decided to take a day trip to the Burg to see Evan. It wasn't like we didn't anything super ridiculously adventurous. I've been up there once, and it was freezing so mostly I stayed inside with friends and slept.
Yeah. Exciting.
We picked out some new specks for him when I first got down there and then took Sharla back to work. We did a ton of walking-I felt bad because of his bum foot but he seemed up for some walking-which is what we did. I really loved the Taxidermy lab, and the Art gallery they have there. It was pretty amazing, and I would definitely take a trip down with the sole focus being checking that out more thoroughly.
Lucky for me there was a farmer's market so we checked that out for few, strolled through the gardens-which were beautiful-, he showed me the old tabernacle and we went on a drive through the upper part where there's nothing but blue sky and sweet fields for miles.
I had a really good time. I think he was worried about having to entertain me, but seriously? A
Went to dinner at Fong's {which was super good} and then walked up to my car which was parked at the temple. Drove him back and I was on my way home.
Got lost.
Had to ask for directions.
But finally made it home about midnight. The plan was to come back because I had personal training in the morning (8am), and then yard sale
Life kinda sucks that way sometimes.
I finished Nicole's invites for the Bridal Shower, which took my entire morning.
Mailed them and went to take some things to her at work.
Came home, planned on sketching but as soon as I sat down on my bed, I lay down and was out within seconds. Literally. Didn't wake up till' about
I'm ready to go on a drive because I feel mentally stuffed and I've got to get some of my thoughts OUT of my head. Sarah-text me back- we need to chat.
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