Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So I've had a lot of things to complain about lately. I'm not going to apologize cause it's all been honest and it's helped put things into perspective.
People nagging me.
My cancer scare.
And now I've got a urinary tract infection. Oh joy right LOL. Like life isn't complicated enough without it having to hurt like hell when you pee? It okay though, I got my medication to help clear things up today-should be back to normal in a couple of days.

I started laughing today, mostly because I was tired of crying.
Life's silly sometimes ya know, but today's been a good day for looking at the bright side. I have a wonderful family whose done nothing but love me more in my situation and are willing to love my little one with all their hearts if my decision is to keep her in the end. I've got a few solid friends who help out by keeping in good touch, planning fun things for us to go out and do, and just being there. I've got a boyfriend whose doing everything he can to make me feel safe, comfortable, and happy on a constant basis which I'm sure is just.. exhausting for him. I have a car to drive around until I can figure out what I'm going to do about my transportation. I'm in pretty good health, have food to eat, a shower to bathe in and a bed to sleep in. I have enough money to pay my rent for another month plus utilities. Thanksgiving is coming up and it's one of my favorite holiday's because we all get together and have a good time. And then it's Christmas and my brother and his family who I haven't seen in a couple years are going to fly out and ...it's going to be awesome. I've figured out what I'm getting for Cristian for Christmas and it'll take up a lot of my time to get it finished-which is good-I should be busier. It was sunny today and it felt soooo good. I'm not ready for the cold dark winter ahead of us in the next few months. We've got our script and our podcast is ready for production. My first appointment is in 2 days and we FINALLY get to see the little sea monkey :D. There is plenty of sunshine heading my way, and I'm going to work on appreciating every second of it.

The HAPPIEST people DO NOT necessarily have the BEST THINGS. They simply APPRECIATE the things they have. - Warren Buffet

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